MIS Hematoma Evacuation

MIS Hematoma Evacuation


Approximately 100 patients will participate in this study. Patients with significant intraparenchymal hemorrhage who are admitted under the neurology service in the Neurocritical Care and Medical ICU will be screened for eligibility.

A repeat CT scan 6 hours after stabilization to show that there has been no increase in size of the ICH will determine eligibility in the trial. Patients that meet eligibility criteria after this CT will be taken to the OR within 24-72 hours for a minimally invasive, navigation guided endoport based evacuation of the clot using the NICO BrainPath™ system.

At baseline, the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and the Modified Rankin Score (mRS) will be captured, along with baseline demographics. The GCS and mRS will be recorded at 1-, 3, and 6-month post-operatively. A follow-up CT will be captured at 3 months. Mortality and adverse events will be reviewed at each timepoint.