Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials


The main purpose of this study is to evaluate if neuromuscular blockade improves lactate clearance (and preliminary secondary clinical outcome measures) as compared to usual care in post-cardiac arrest patients undergoing targeted temperature management.


The main purpose of this study is to determine whether a rational strategy of EEG guided multimodal general anesthesia using target specific sedative and analgesics could result in enhanced recovery after anesthesia and surgery, decrease in postoperative delirium, and decrease in long term postoperative cognitive dysfunction up to 6 months following cardiac surgery.


The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between intracranial pressure and airway pressures during mechanical ventilation. This study is a single-center, prospective cohort study to be conducted at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. The investigators will recruit patients with severe brain injury (GCS 8 or less) who receive intracranial pressure monitoring and mechanical ventilation as part of their routine medical care. The primary endpoint is the change in intracranial pressure as a function of positive end-expiratory pressure. There is only one study encounter with safety monitoring for up to 24 hours after. No additional follow up is required.


This is a randomized, controlled trial designed to investigate whether the use of virtual reality immersive relaxation during hand/arm operations can allow for a relaxing operating room experience for patients while potentially reducing anesthesia requirements.


Neuromuscular blocking agents' (NMBA) use during surgery is associated with postoperative respiratory complications and increased risk of readmission to the hospital following ambulatory surgery. Residual neuromuscular block (rNMB) after surgery is difficult to identify. We have recently developed the REsidual neuromuscular block Prediction Score (REPS), that predicts the risk for postoperative rNMB. Our primary objective is now to assess the predictive ability of the REPS for respiratory complications within seven days following general anaesthesia. The secondary objective is to compare the predictive values of REPS and train-of-four (TOF)-ratio below 0.90 for respiratory complications.


Tacrolimus is an immunosuppressive agent prescribed to prevent organ rejection in post transplant patients, in combination with other immunosuppressants. In post-kidney transplant patients, tacrolimus blood trough(peak) level must be monitored frequently, and dose adjustments must be made as necessary to keep trough level within a very narrow target range.

High tacrolimus intra-patient variability(IPV) can be a marker of medication non-adherence. The presence of medication non-adherence could be due to multiple factors e.g. Forgetfulness, misunderstanding or miscommunication due to language barrier etc. Our hypothesis is using QR code technology along with extended release Tacrolimus medication will reduce tacrolimus IPV fluctuation.


Adult patients evaluated at Lahey Clinic with known or suspected gastrointestinal or gynecologic malignancies and with an indication for diagnostic laparoscopy will be offered participation in the study. The proposed study is a randomized, controlled feasibility trial with crossover design. The study's aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of laparoscopic narrow band imaging (NBI) compared to standard white-light laparoscopy for detection of peritoneal cancer metastases. Study patients will undergo laparoscopic evaluation of the peritoneal cavity using a routine white-light videolaparoscope with the capability of NBI. The order of white-light and NBI laparoscopy will be randomized for each patient (crossover design). Frozen-section histopathology biopsies will be retrieved of all suspicious-appearing abnormalities using best clinical practices. The number of detected peritoneal metastases will be compared between each diagnostic laparoscopy technique. To gauge the rate of potentially missed metastases, peritoneal cancer recurrence will be surveyed through a 1-year follow-up.


This study will include 60 subjects with medication-refractory depression undergoing transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to the left dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). In order to obtain good quality data and account for attrition, 80 subjects will be recruited. Subjects will be recruited from the Clinical Program of FDA approved TMS at the Berenson-Allen Center and the Butler TMS Clinic (40 per site). Subjects will undergo an hour-long MRI scanning session, an optional DNA-sample collection, up to three 20 minute neuronavigation sessions for marking the site of TMS stimulation, questionnaires, and a behavioral testing battery before and after their TMS treatment course. The task battery will last 45-60 minutes and consist of the Emotion Conflict Resolution (ECR) task, Multi-Source Interference Task (MSIT), War Game (Gambling) task, and Associative Learning with Reversal task. Subjects' scores on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) will also be assessed before and after the TMS course. MRI data will be utilized to identify brain regions whose connectivity to the stimulation site co-varies with the aforementioned objective measures of symptom improvement.


TeamSTEPPS (Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety) is an evidence-based teamwork system designed to improve communication and teamwork skills among health professionals. The program was developed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and the Department of Defense's Patient Safety Program as the national standard for team training in health care.

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of the TeamSTEPPS program on the team knowledge, skills and attitudes and patient safety at Planned Parenthood affiliates nationwide.

The investigators hypothesize that implementation of the TeamSTEPPS program will be associated with improved team knowledge, skills, and attitudes; clinical outcomes; and process outcomes.


To assess the effect of the TeamSTEPPS training program on team communication and effective team work
To assess the effect of the TeamSTEPPS training program on process outcomes
To assess the effect of the TeamSTEPPS training program on clinical outcomes


The 24-hour-a-day, 7-day a week, work-world arrived within our lifetimes, and is here to stay. Americans are working more and more, frequently at multiple jobs. The pattern of short sleep during the week followed by attempts to recover on the weekend is in common practice, but we know little of the associated health risks. What is the cost in terms of increasing known risk markers for cardiovascular disease, of repeated nights of insufficient sleep, and is this cost compounded with repetition, without adequate recovery? Evidence is accumulating to suggest that short sleep duration is linked to the development of metabolic and inflammation-associated diseases, such as cardiovascular disease. Mechanisms involved in the development of cardiovascular disease include impaired vascular function and inflammation. The current proposal is designed to investigate the effects of repeated periods of short nocturnal sleep duration in 4 cycles (each cycle consisting of 3 nights of 4 hours of sleep opportunity per night), and each cycle of short sleep followed by a single night of recovery sleep. Vascular reactivity will be assessed using brachial artery flow mediated dilation, and microcirculatory vasodilation will be assessed using perfusion imaging techniques. The dependence of IL-6 and sVCAM-1 as measured in peripheral circulation, on vascular function, will also be investigated.


The goal of the study is to evaluate whether pain control achieved by Ultrasound Guided Femoral Nerve Blockade (USFNB) is equal in efficacy to standard pain management practice of parenteral injection of opioid pain medication in patients presenting to the emergency department (ED) with hip fracture.


The purpose of this study is to determine the efficacy of ultrasound guided hematoma block versus traditional "blind" hematoma block for analgesia in distal radius fracture reduction.


The VQI-DELTA Paclitaxel Device Safety Analysis seeks to assess the comparative safety of paclitaxel coated balloons and stents in the treatment of peripheral artery disease (PAD) through analysis of the VQI Peripheral Vascular Intervention (PVI) registry module using the DELTA system.


The goal of this study is to evaluate how much quercetin or isoquercetin is absorbed after a single dose and evaluate for pharmacokinetic inhibition of protein disulfide isomerase. Pharmacodynamic studies will also be performed in an additional cohort of 10 patients with evidence of antiphospholipid antibodies


This is a randomized, prospective controlled trial in patients undergoing cardiac surgery, specifically on-pump coronary artery bypass grafting, comparing level of administered oxygen and partial pressure of arterial oxygen in the operating room and its impact on a widely-used and validated neurocognitive score, the telephonic Montreal Cognitive Assessment (t-MoCA), throughout the hospital stay and at 1 month, 3 months, and 6 postoperatively. It is hypothesized that cardiac surgical patients who undergo normoxic conditions throughout the intraoperative period will have better neurocognitive function than those with maintenance of hyperoxia.


We are doing this clinical trial in order to evaluate two different treatments for non-fluent aphasia: Melodic Intonation Therapy (MIT) and Speech Repetition Therapy (SRT). MIT uses a simple form of singing, while SRT uses intensive repetition of a set of words and phrases. We want to see which intensive form of treatment is more effective in leading to an improvement in speech output compared to a no-therapy control period, and whether either treatment can cause changes in brain activity during speaking and changes in brain structure. We will use a technique known as functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to measure blood flow changes in the brain and structural MRI that assess brain anatomy and connections between brain regions. We will use fMRI to assess brain activity while a patient speaks, sings, and hums. We will assess changes in brain activity and in brain structure by comparing scans done prior to treatment to scans obtained after treatment and we will also examine changes between treatment groups. We will correlate changes in brain activity and brain structure with changes in language test scores.


Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is characterized by amyloid-β (Aβ) plaque buildup and phosphorylated tau (p-tau) in the brain, as well as widespread neurodegeneration. Amyloid-β and tau are proteins that build up in the brain that may contribute to memory problems. The evidence suggests that both amyloid and tau play a critical role in AD and interventions that reliably and safely decrease the intracerebral burden of amyloid or tau could potentially be of marked clinical importance. Currently, therapeutic options are very limited and while there are pharmacologic interventions that transiently improve cognitive function, there are no treatments that alter disease progression.

The purpose of this study is to see if multiple daily sessions of non-invasive brain stimulation can affect brain activity to decrease the amount of amyloid and tau in people with AD as compared to Sham (placebo) stimulation. The type of brain stimulation that will be used is called transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS). This study will investigate different doses of tACS (2-4 weeks) and assess safety. The hope is that tACS will decrease the amount of amyloid and tau and improve memory and thinking in people with AD.


The purpose of this research study is to collect tumor samples at the time of surgery and store them for possible use as part of an experimental vaccine study for the participants cancer in the future.


The purpose of this study is to investigate placebo effects and peppermint oil in Irritable Bowel Syndrome.


Patients with endometrial cancer who have planned robotic laparoscopic hysterectomy and full bilateral pelvic and para-aortic lymphadenectomy will receive injections of a fluorescent dye, Indocyanine green (ICG). ICG spreads through the lymphatic system, and will be visualized using near-infrared (NIR) imagers. Upon visualization of the path of the ICG, sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs), the first nodes to receive drainage from the primary tumor, will be identified. SLNs will be surgically removed and provided to Pathology for evaluation. Non-sentinel nodes will also be surgically removed, as is consistent with routine medical care for these patients, and given to Pathology for evaluation. A positive SLN may be the most accurate identifier of the extra-uterine spread of disease, and will provide information about the extent of surgical node removal necessary.


The primary aim of the study is to assess the mobility dose in neurocritical care patients with ischemic stroke or intracranial hemorrhage and its effects on discharge disposition and patient outcomes. The investigators hypothesize that patients' mobilization dose in the intensive care unit (ICU) predicts discharge disposition, 90 day Barthel Index and other outcomes like muscle wasting (expressed as decrease in rectus femoris cross sectional area (RF-CSA) in the paretic and non-paretic limb measured by bedside ultrasound), and ICU length of stay (LOS).


Diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy has been shown to decrease arrhythmia recurrence in patients with AF following ablation. However, patients with AF undergoing ablation are not routinely screened for sleep apnea, despite an estimated sleep apnea prevalence of 25% in the general population, and perhaps higher among patients with AF. Home sleep testing is frequently used for evaluation of sleep apnea.


In this randomized controlled trial; differences in overall stress, burnout and wellbeing will be assessed for employees of a company participating in Inner Engineering Online, an online mind-body course that incorporates both meditation and yoga.

The study will be conducted in two phases, where in participants will be advised to practice meditation or read books.


The etiology and pathogenesis of interstitial cystitis (IC) and its related condition in men, chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) has remained elusive. This has hampered development of mechanistic treatment strategies for these common, chronic and distressing medical conditions. We believe that IC and perhaps CP/CPPS are a spectrum of complex but inter-related genetic and acquired diseases resulting from the interaction of several genes regulating immune/inflammatory and neurogenic parameters and environmental factors/circumstances or exposure, culminating in the combination of pain, frequency, urgency and sexual specific symptoms. New research has delineated the dynamic and powerful association of the immune and neurogenic system in pain activation. An immune-modulated neurogenic model of IC illuminating the action of immune derived substances and pain related substances might be important in discovering the determinants of pain, voiding dysfunction and gender specific sexual problems. This inter-related dynamic model of IC disease pathogenesis could be explored for potential avenues leading to novel diagnostic and treatment strategies. We plan to identify and evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of several novel nerve and inflammation related markers in the diagnosis and follow up of IC (and CP/CPPS). By correlating the levels of urine immune and pain related substances to disease mechanisms, severity and progression, we may be able to create a human disease specific model for diagnosis and treatment.


The purpose of this study is to determine whether administration of a pecto-intercostal fascial plane block (PIFB) with bupivacaine is a more effective therapy for postoperative analgesia after cardiac surgery as compared to patients who receive a sham block of normal saline.


The main purpose of this research project is to study how seizure-like activity affects the blood flow in the brain of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Changes in blood flow can change memory and thinking ability, as happens in Alzheimer's disease. The investigators are using a study drug called Levetiracetam, which helps control seizure-like activity to see if it can help change the abnormal blood flow in the brain that is seen in some people with Alzheimer's disease.


Swallowing difficulties are common after a stroke and can lead to serious complications like pneumonia and malnutrition. Unfortunately, there are no effective treatment for improving swallowing in stroke patients.

Previous investigations have shown that recovery of swallowing functions occurs from reorganization ("rewiring") of the non-involved cerebral hemisphere. In this study, the investigators propose to investigate a new intervention, which combines, swallowing exercises with brain stimulation targeted to the non-involved cerebral hemisphere, using low intensity current in acute stroke patients. The investigators plan to assess the safety of this technique in this patient population and also assess its effect on improving swallowing functions and swallowing physiology. During this time trial participants will undergo standardized swallowing and neurological assessments as well as brain MRI scans.


This is a single-arm open label trial for hospitalized patients with COVID-19 (Coronavirus). The primary endpoint of the study is to assess the requirement for mechanical ventilation in patients who are admitted to the hospital with COVID-19 infection and a Pulse Oxygen Level


To determine if Mind Body Syndrome (MBS) therapy will reduce or eliminate pain in patients suffering from chronic pain syndromes without organic etiology.


The main purpose of this research program is to reduce the burden of end-stage organ disease on individuals, families, healthcare systems, and society by increasing the availability of donor organs for transplantation. Consistent with this aim, the project further examines strategies to increase access to and reduce disparities - racial, economic, gender - in live donor kidney transplantation (LDKT). Specifically, we expand the research and intensity of an innovative House Calls intervention developed by the principal investigator by including other minorities and socioeconomically disadvantaged patients and by adding a novel Patient-Centered Decision Support component. The main study hypothesis is that participants receiving the novel intervention (House Calls + Patient-Centered Decision Support) will have a higher proportion of LDKT's by the 2-year study endpoint.


The main purpose of this study is to learn which educational method is most helpful to patients and their family members when they consider whether to pursue live donor kidney transplantation.

Patients who are eligible for a kidney transplant usually get information in the transplant clinic about two types of kidney transplants - one where the kidney comes from a dead donor and one where the kidney comes from a healthy living donor. Patients are given this information by a transplant nurse or doctor and then encouraged to discuss it with family members and friends.

In this study, we are trying to see if changing how and where we give patients this information makes a difference in how patients and their family members think about live donor kidney transplantation. So, we are looking at whether getting the information in the transplant clinic - either alone or in a group - is the same or different than getting the same information in your home.

The study is only recruiting African American patients. This is being done because African Americans have a higher likelihood of developing chronic kidney disease and needing a kidney transplant than patients of other races. However, they wait longer for a kidney transplant and die at a higher rate on the waiting list because they are less likely than other patients to receive a live donor kidney transplant. We want to see which educational approach works best with African American patients and their families.


The purpose of this study is to assess magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a tool to track tumor growth for renal cell carcinoma while participants are on clinical treatment therapy of sunitinib and AMG386. An MRI is a type of scan that uses powerful magnets to make clearer images or to focus on detailed medical information in the abdomen and pelvis. The imaging done for this study will use the arterial spin labeling (ASL) MRI technique that allows us to see blood flow changes which possibly may indicate changes in tumor growth. Participants will be on a clinical trial for the treatment.


The overall goal of this multicenter project is to characterize the expected normal range of Peripheral IntraVenous Volume Analysis (PIVA) values during a euvolemic state, and how those ranges may be altered by comorbidities; the relationship between PIVA and intravenous volume administration during resuscitation of infected patients with presumed hypovolemia; and, the relationship between PIVA and volume decreases during diuresis in acute heart failure patients with hypervolemia.


This randomized control trial will compare opioid use, pain, and functional outcomes following decompression surgery for single-level lumbar radiculopathy in patients who undergo placement of corticosteroid epidural injection within 2 weeks prior to surgery compared to those who do not. The hypothesis of this study is that patients who receive the preoperative corticosteroid injection will have less reduced postoperative opioid use, as well as earlier mobilization, reduced length of stay, and faster return to work compared to control patients who do not receive the injection.


The purpose of this trial is to determine whether using a brain training program in the time leading up to as well as after heart surgery will reduce confusion and cognitive loss that can occur after surgery.


The goal of the Novel Language Intervention for minimally verbal children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is to test the efficacy of one experimental treatment (AMMT) compared to baseline assessments and compare the AMMT efficacy to a control intervention (SRT), both treatments were designed to facilitate speech output in minimally verbal 5.5 to 12.0 year olds. This study aims to compare the two interventions (one intonation-based; the other non-intonation-based) in a single-blind, randomized controlled trial (RCT) that includes a comprehensive baseline assessment battery, 25 intensive 1-on-1 treatment sessions conducted 5 days/week, and a series of probe assessments administered at multiple timepoints pre-, during, and post-therapy.

Despite the complex needs of minimally verbal children with ASD and the wide variety of treatments available to address many of those needs, there is still a great need for effective methods that promote the development of speech sounds and facilitate the production of those sounds in this growing population. While the primary aim of this RCT is to investigate the effects of AMMTversus a control intervention (SRT) on minimally verbal children with ASD and compare the two interventions to determine whether one is more effective than the other, this study also aims to examine whether baseline cognitive skills, speech praxis, joint attention abilities and/or neural architecture can predict the effects of treatment with AMMT or SRT in minimally verbal children with ASD.


The study is evaluating the efficacy of open-label placebo for the treatment of functional dyspepsia.


Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a very common functional gastrointestinal disorder affecting nearly 20% of the North American population. IBS is characterized by chronic abdominal, associated with a change in bowel frequency and or consistency that lack a known structural or anatomic explanation. Current treatment for IBS is primarily symptom-based. However over a third of patients with IBS fail to respond to currently available therapies.

The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency is estimated in over a billion people world-wide . Vitamin D has potential mechanisms not only in the balance of calcium and bone homeostasis, but also a key modulator of the immune system. Vitamin D receptors (VDRs) are located on all nucleated cells including the GI tract. Thus far, there is already accumulating evidence for a role for vitamin D supplementation in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). A recent systematic review suggested there may be benefits of vitamin D supplementation in IBD.

Vitamin D insufficiency is widespread in patients with IBS and there is a positive association between vitamin D status and quality of life. To date, there is no US trial examining the effect of vitamin d supplementation on IBS symptoms and quality of life in patients with IBS.


Cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among women in Botswana. The burden of cervical cancer is largely related to the high prevalence of HIV in Botswana (22%), as HIV is known to be a significant risk factor for cervical cancer. Cervical cancer screening is life-saving and has been shown to reduce cervical cancer incidence in multiple settings. Yet, there is no consensus on appropriate screening algorithms for women living with HIV, across resource settings. Botswana is in a unique position, relative to its neighbors in Sub-Saharan Africa, in that there exists capacity for advanced screening modalities, including primary high risk human papilloma virus (hrHPV) testing and cytology-based screening. To address this issue, this study seeks to evaluate two-stage cervical cancer screening algorithms for women living with HIV in Botswana using hrHPV testing. The protocols include hrHPV testing followed by Pap Smear evaluation, VIA and colposcopy. These same participants will be invited back at one-year for cervical cancer screening using hrHPV testing (followed by triage testing) in order to inform guidelines on the frequency of HPV testing in women living with HIV. The evidence generated will be critical to guiding cervical cancer screening in HIV-infected women across resource settings.


This is a prospective pilot to investigate the effect of 3D printer customized CPAP masks on the comfort of patients with obstructive sleep apnea.


Investigators will assess the incidence and duration of postoperative delirium in patients ≥60 years old undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), with/without valve surgery (aortic and/or mitral) based on different regimens for postoperative sedation and analgesia. Patients will receive either intravenous (IV) dexmedetomidine and IV acetaminophen or standard postoperative management using IV propofol with morphine or hydromorphone. The Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) will be used to assess delirium in these patients. Investigators also seek to compare postoperative (48 hours) analgesic requirements in patients with or without IV acetaminophen. Investigators will finally assess postoperative cognition in post-surgical patients up to one year post-discharge using a cognitive assessment scale.


Currently medications injected intravitreally in previously vitrectomized eyes have a very short half-life due to enhanced clearance of the drug. The use of the Ozurdex (dexamethasone) implant may allow sustained levels of steroid delivery to patients with diabetic macular edema that have undergone prior vitrectomy. The sustained steroid levels may lead to improved central retinal thickness measurements and improved visual acuity.


This study is designed to compare four currently used types of anesthesia used prior to intravitreal injection in order to evaluate the most effective method of anesthesia in reducing pain and discomfort associated with intravitreal injections.


The investigators will be using nocturnal normobaric hyperoxia therapy in patients with diagnoses of conditions related to retinal ischemia.


Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) often report more fatigue and sleep disturbances compared to their healthy counterparts and compared to patients with other GI disorders. This pilot study will evaluate the feasibility of a Brief Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia (BBT-I) in Irritable Bowel Syndrome. 40 participants will be recruited; 20 will receive 4 weeks of BBT and 20 will be assigned to a wait list control group (WLC). The primary aim of the current project is to assess feasibility of administering BBT-I to a sample of patients with IBS. Because behavioral sleep treatment has not yet been studied in IBS or any other GI population, this project will provide information about treatment adherence, recruitment, and effect sizes. Secondary aims include evaluating the impact of BBT-I on sleep quality and IBS symptom severity.


The purpose of this study is to assess magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a tool to track tumor growth for renal cell carcinoma while the participant is receiving clinical treatment therapy with sunitinib or pazopanib. An MRI is a sophisticated type of scan that uses powerful magnets to make clearer images or to focus on detailed medical information in the participants abdomen and pelvis. This imaging done for this study will use the ASL MRI technique that allows us to see blood flow changes which possibly may indicated tumor growth.


This study seeks to determine whether artificial sweeteners in the context of diet soda may alter the brain's response to food cues and thus impact appetite.


Research studies have shown a strong association between cancer and blood clots in the veins (also known as deep vein thrombosis). These blood clots can flow to the lungs (pulmonary embolism) which in severe cases may be life threatening. Studies have demonstrated that increases in microparticles may contribute to the development of deep vein thrombosis in cancer patients. The purpose of this research study is to see if rosuvastatin lowers the number of tissue factor bearing microparticles in the blood (TFMP). TFMP are small particles that are generated from different types of blood cells in the body. In people who have cancer, TFMP are thought to be generated from cancer cells and may represent a risk factor for deep vein thrombosis.


The goal of this study is to compare the characteristics of echocardiography and different monitoring devices in shock patients, the relationship of device parameters to biomarkers associated with shock, and determine if these any of these add clinical utility when predicting the cause of shock. We will perform a prospective, observational study of patients found to have shock physiology in the ED and follow them to determine the final shock category and ultimate outcomes.